5 Ways to Use Time More Effectively


June 30, 2018

Time is undoubtedly your most important resource. In fact, I would say that it’s a currency that you’re constantly spending. Unfortunately, none of us know just how much we have left in the bank. And because of this we have to make sure that we’re using out time as effectively as possible. 


I never actually used a planner until I was halfway though high school, and now I use one all the time. In fact, I really don’t think I could go day to day anymore without one. 

I love using a planner for multiple reasons…and when I say ‘planner,’ I mean a paper planner that you physically write in. The planner that I use has both a monthly view as well as a daily view with hourly time slots. This means that I can  visually see and remember what my monthly view looks like at first glance, as well as what I have to do each day by the hour. I know that the world is digital and that many of you probably prefer a color coded, digital planner, but I just find that I retain more of my schedule if I physically write it out – kind of like taking notes for class. 

It doesn’t matter if you decide to use a paper planner or a digital one, just so long as you figure out what you need to get done each day/month. This provides two perspectives: 

Day: A day view will break down your days and help you live day by day, making our weeks and months less overwhelming. You know those things we say we’ll eventually get to, but never really do? I can guarantee they’ll get done once you actually carve some time out of your day for it. 

Month: A monthly view reminds you of the big picture and what you want to accomplish for the month. What is your goal for the month? Look at your month from a 30 day perspective and decide if you’re on track to accomplish what you’re aiming for. 


Our energy levels tank when we feel caught in a rut and lack inspiration. Figure out what energizes you, and run with it. 

If writing down your thoughts helps take a load off all of the jumble in your head, pick up a pen and start writing. 

If browsing Pinterest helps you come up with ideas, then spend a little time each day browsing Pinterest. 

If taking a walk outside helps you conceptualize and figure things out, try to at least get outside for 10-20 minutes each day before or after work. 

Inspiration doesn’t just strike us — it starts with a healthy lifestyle and blooms from there. 


Your morning and night routines are incredibly important. Your morning routine sets you up for the day and can help start your day off on the right foot. And your night routine can help you get to sleep easier, ensuring a night full of needed rest. Better sleep = better you. 

Everyone has something different that works for them, but here’s what works for me just to give you an idea of what I mean! 

Morning Routine:

  • 7 AM ~ Wake up
  • 7:10 AM ~ Get outta bed, wash & moisturize face, hair and makeup, get dressed
  • 7:30 AM ~ Make and pack lunch 
  • 7:45 AM ~ Leave for work 

Night Routine:

  • 8 PM ~ Home from work/shoots/etc.
  • 8:15 PM ~ Make/Eat dinner/Netflix/Take off makeup
  • 9 PM ~ Work Out (lately I’ve been running 1-2 miles, then lift and add an ab circuit) 
  • 10 PM ~ Shower, Face mask, Journal, Inspo search 
  • 11 PM/12 AM ~ Asleep (This gives me 7-8 hours of sleep each night) 


I’m not a huge fan of this. I love being busy and I always fall into this mentality that just because I can, it means that I should. But at some point you have to figure out what means the most to you and whether or not you’re getting anything out of your efforts. It’s far better to take on less and do a killer job at it, than to suffer in more areas. 


Call your mom while you’re commuting to and from work. Grab coffee and get some work done with a friend at a coffee shop. Find overlap where it makes sense, but don’t let your work take the fall. This doesn’t mean to simultaneously file your tax returns while you’re working on conceptualizing a marketing plan…both will suffer. 

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